Hello! I am.... why am i saying this? You already know my name. Anyway, i will be mostly post BFDI/object show stuff here but also other things i like. Nothing serious here.

Age 23, Male


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Yes, the title is true and i actually have many reasons for it.

- I wrote the story as i went along. Selfexplanatory. I am in the belief this is the same reason for the canon series' decline. So it really makes me no better.

- There are already like a thousand of fanfics where the villain trio gets a better ending. I was aware of this before i started this comic. Why did i do it then? Simple: i just like the concept of Luster Dawn redeeming old villains. I only found one fanfic like that, and while i can say it is good, it still has many flaws. I tought i could make a better version of that. Ironic because whoever wrote that story is a beginner writer just like me.

- The real Grogar forced Discord into freeing criminals from prison, pretend to be depowered by them and attack Equestria. Why? I have no idea. This just makes Grogar as dumb as Discord.

- Luster Dawn succeeds at redeeming the villains. But it makes you question: What stopped the mane six to do the same? What makes Luster Dawn so special that helps her to do something where her mentor and friends failed? They had the trio in prison for 20 years. If Luster Dawn accomplishes something that supposed to take around a year in my story, you would think something could have worked out in those 20 years. Especially when you consider Cozy Glow is an adult by that time. People as adults are basically completely different people from their kid-selves.

- Grogar's fate. Does he get redeemed too? Technically yes but not in a traditional sense. I planned the tree of harmony also appear as a character. In the so called "grand finale" of my comic, Grogar and Harmony merge into one being. Why? I dunno, i tought it sounds cool. And there would be a dramatic line spoken by Grogar "i finally feel happy" and some implications of he regret his actions. Grogar's body is gone but his soul is together with Harmony. You could say Grogar dies but i do not think that could be called "death".

- Setting limits to Discord's powers. One reason of many why i hate reality warpers so much is that they are fucking boring. They are never challanged nor face any hardships. I hated Discord ever since his debut, only reason he got defeated is he is too stupid to know what selfdefense even is. Only times he was challanged is when he lost his powers which makes you question what was even the point giving him those powers in the first place. I wanted to fix that. But how? He already showcased he has unlimited power, what limit could i possibly give him?

- Why did Grogar need Cozy Glow? My idea was when Cozy Glow sucked out all the magic from Equestria, she accidentally also freed Grogar from whatever prison he was in. Cuz ya know, superprisons need magic to work. But in hindsight, that does not seem like a good enough reason.

- Discord's punishment is getting banished to the chaos dimension. Ok, that seems fair. But if they really planned to punish him then why did they give back his powers in the finale? Taking away his powers forever is already good enough. What is the point of that?

- I sort of wanted to copy Darkest Dawn. It is an audio drama where Luster Dawn is the protagonist and struggles to live up to Twilight Sparkle's legacy where she panics about the possibility of her mentor turning her into a princess. I wanted to do something similar like that, i fantasized about a scene where Grogar tells Luster Dawn "Do not tell you did not figure it out already. Your mentor is just training you to become the future ruler of Equestria. Just like how Celestia did it to her. It is so obvious." And Luster Dawn could get a mental breakdown from hearing that. I tought it would be fine since that series got cancelled after one episode. But not long ago i discovered they are actually doing a remake.

So yeah. It is over. There are other non-pony projects i am more interested in doing. Sorry, everyone.

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